Kathy Gabriel
With mindfulness, movement and bodywork as foundation, Kathy seeks to create safe spaces for individuals to find deep healing from within.
Speciality : Craniosacral Therapy
Expertise : Bodyworker and Craniosacral Therapist
Length of Work :
About Kathy Gabriel
Kathy is trained in Deep Tissue Massage, Structural Bodywork as well as Sports Massage. She is a certified Craniosacral Therapist offering healing and recovery by gently guiding the body, mind and spirit back to its natural state of harmony. She is also a certified sound therapist and teacher trainer in Singapore. Her deepest purpose and calling is to help others explore their internal landscape, to better understand their nervous system and health. Soma Haus is the manifestation of her dream to build community, transform our perspective of health and to bring holistic wellness education to a wider audience.
Areas :
- Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
- Deep Tissue Massage
- Structural Bodywork
- Sound Therapy
- Sports Massage
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