Radin Nur Izzati
Speciality : CranioSacral Therapy
Expertise : Women's Health
Length of Work :
About Radin Nur Izzati
Izzati was first motivated to pursue a career in holistic bodywork therapy after receiving Craniosacral therapy to treat her coccyx discomfort. When she first had a Craniosacral therapy session that relieved her tailbone discomfort within her first session, she was intrigued by the concept of alternative healing treatments. She became motivated to discover alternative therapies and pursue Lymph Drainage Therapy (Chikly Health Institute) and Craniosacral Therapy (Upledger Institute International) as a result of her experience.
As she progresses, she immerses herself in a new world of deep and holistic understanding of health and wellness through different exposures and pursues a practising in Lymphatic Drainage Therapy and Craniosacral Therapy. Her educational background in health & fitness has aided to better understand the human body and how it works as one unit. Through this development, she is inspired to continue assisting people using holistic modalities, the success of which she has directly seen. She also holds a strong belief that the human body is able to self-heal and hence with extended arms, she desires to help individuals to facilitate one’s own recovery.
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